New News
An interview between me and Kit Frick for Sapling. Because she was kind enough to ask.

Antilever Press has launched their first season of books. And they're looking for submissions if you have a spare poetry manuscript around.
A News Story

I gave a reading in the lovely 601 Tully. You should go sometime. The readings are on Thursdays, once a month, in Syracuse In the meantime you can read this funny article about me here.
Upcoming Readings
Spring, 2013
Raymond Carver Reading Series: February 27, 2013 (you can see it soon, please hold on to your pants)
YMCA: The Downtown Reader's Series Feb 1, 2013 (Highlight: the snow)
AWP March 6-9, Boston:
The Lake Effect: a Celebration of Fifty Years of Creative Writing at Syracuse University: Arthur Flowers, Brooks Haxton, Chris Kennedy, George Saunders, Sarah Harwell (Highlight: George's line of fans)
Would Harmonium Have Made it Past the Screeners? Alternative Paths to a First Book: Jules Gibbs, Sarah Harwell, Chris Kennedy Bridget Lowe, Johnathon Williams (Highlight: woman in audience wanted to know how big a print run a first book of poems would be as she had sold 160,000 copies of her psych textbook. We ran her out of the room.).
Raymond Carver Reading Series: February 27, 2013 (you can see it soon, please hold on to your pants)
YMCA: The Downtown Reader's Series Feb 1, 2013 (Highlight: the snow)
AWP March 6-9, Boston:
The Lake Effect: a Celebration of Fifty Years of Creative Writing at Syracuse University: Arthur Flowers, Brooks Haxton, Chris Kennedy, George Saunders, Sarah Harwell (Highlight: George's line of fans)
Would Harmonium Have Made it Past the Screeners? Alternative Paths to a First Book: Jules Gibbs, Sarah Harwell, Chris Kennedy Bridget Lowe, Johnathon Williams (Highlight: woman in audience wanted to know how big a print run a first book of poems would be as she had sold 160,000 copies of her psych textbook. We ran her out of the room.).